Hi, my name is Steven Stuart. I'm a pretty regular guy. Not a "crazy-liberal", actually more of a centrist. Like most of us, I have views and beliefs that fall not in just one spot on the political spectrum but am a patch-work of many social, economic and political viewppoints.

The "we" in this little project is me and my son. He's thirteen. He asked me one day... "what are we supposed to do if we don't like what's going on?" I wasn't sure. The truth is, like most of us, I'd rather NOT think about this crap. But... increasingly I knew I needed to do something. Maybe something even small that could get bigger with a little help.

Mostly, I don't want people to get numb, complacent, ambivalent.  Look, if PINK ribbons can remind us about breast cancer, then 10,000 FAKE POTUS hats couldn't hurt. 

Imagine a world where everywhere you turned you saw a slightly humorous reminder that this guy has GOT TO GO! 

Okay, your turn!
